Monday, 23 September 2024 12:09

Healthy Futures - Community Health and Wellbeing Programme (CHWW)

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The Community and Wellbeing Programme


Based in Stonehouse, the Community Health and Wellbeing project is a collaboration with Waterside Health Network that takes a grassroots approach to supporting families with their health and wellbeing within their homes and local area. The programme’s unique concept, ensures that the CHWW’s (Community Health and Wellbeing Workers) visit residents within their own home at least once a month, acting as a link to Primary Care, ensuring the family unit are supported with any social, mental or physical health needs.

Building on a model that is now embedded into Brazil’s Family Health Strategy, the CHWW programme is a systematic, universal, comprehensive and integrated approach that is designed to build strong relationships with the local community to enable health needs are proactively met. With the CHWW’s being integrated into primary care, they can link effectively with relevant services to help promote vaccinations, screenings and management of chronic diseases. Alongside this, as local members of the community they support, the CHWW’s are able to encourage social engagements and link residents with voluntary and community sector organisations.

Our team of Saryah, Miranda and Matt are passionate advocates for their local community, embodying a person-centred, ‘what matters to you?’ approach and are already seeing the positive ripple effect of the programme.

For further information, please contact the Wolseley Trust’s Healthy Futures Service on 01752 203673 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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